i love you all!
Haha Silin, my posts are unfortunately never as entertaining as yours! But still, I shall post my thoughts here anyway!
mich say....it reminds her of UGLY BETTY....hohohoho...WHY?! hehe..i was talking to shushu in msn..she say her bro say she look ike ugly betty..NO! it shld be UGLY NANCY. opppppss..shushu dun kill me! WOOFWOOF aka W rocks!!
another thing that took place today..hehe...i was waiting for train to go simei mrt. while waiting at the platform i saw this:
BIRDS do take the TRAIN.
and the thing isssss.... its standing before the yellow line! shld be aft the yellow line la...BOOOO!!! ( ok im not mad! i juz tot its funny to see a bird standing there..hehe..)
but after while...when i crossed to the other platform. i saw another bird doing the same thing!!
BIRD no. 2 waiting for train!!!
arhahah...i just took it for fun. it juz reminds me that..mayb the birds have also urbanised like us humans.. so instead of flying, they juz take the train! n best...they dun nd to pay the EXPENSIVE train FARE. hehe...
ok..my post is SUPER random!!! aniway, to all my friends...we SHOULd meet up more!!!
ok!! miss me lots!!!
Hello guys,
haha..i though this looks like liu xing..heheIt was a nice performance!! i saw my political idol too!! Lee Kuan Yew!!
haha...another thing..i saw smth recently...im sure you all have seen it..i juz thought its interesting!!
Poo: I'm really not used to going school without you, Bi3nu2 (how ah poo calls me).
I'm sitting at my little table in Prince George's Park and every few seconds, I turn my head towards the right to face the shipyard. If I look very very carefully, the stretch of blue becomes the sea. I don't know why, but it is a very comforting thought that the sea is nearby.
Dear fans of MIRAGE
Harlo my favourites!
Hey dear 2/4-rians!!! how is everybody?????
harlo!am typing this post while waiting for my dearest silin!wahaha!she is taking forever!working in international sos though has been an "independent" one..but i think God is good cos He gave me silin on mondays and fridays! and i am happy enough abt it!wahaha!now i got my smu friends coming too!wee!i have decided what course to take le next year!be there to share my joy (if i get in), cry with me if i get rejected again!wahah!yea!i have been doing alot of waiting in this year 2007!i simply dread it!wahah!yesh!this is just a random post!just to let your noe..I LOVE YOUR!! :D
Hi fans of MIRAGE