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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Take a look at the ordinary

I'm sitting at my little table in Prince George's Park and every few seconds, I turn my head towards the right to face the shipyard. If I look very very carefully, the stretch of blue becomes the sea. I don't know why, but it is a very comforting thought that the sea is nearby.

Anyway, I digress. School has started although not with loud hurrays and sprays of confetti. Suddenly the quest for newfound knowledge has dissipated into something tardy, something strangely lethargic. I wonder if after all this time, my brains have become mouldy.

Had my first tutorial under USP yesterday. We learned about the motive, and the thesis in academic writing and suddenly, it looms upon me that hey, I am really in the university and one day, all of this whirling thoughs about the world, the society in which I live and all of its hidden perceptions would be penned down in real academic journals. Or at least I hope. Unfortunately, even at the very beginning of that tutorial, I could sense that this very lesson would herald a whole new workload that I've got to bear for the next couple of years. Or rather, it's an obvious sympol of what is to come. More, More, MORE. People in the university are more vocal and opinionated. I guess AMKSS and CJC never really emphasize as much as they should how we, as students should speak up and be heard and I've never really been bothered to try. Now, I'm suffering under this new onslaught of cultural or rather, academic shock. I've got to try. My grades are dependent on it!

Still, life is not that bad. And while I'm constantly meeting different friends for bfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper, I still miss my old friends. Old friends fill gaps that new friends can only try.
So, while I go off for my USP tutorial on the civilizations of India and its religions, ( Silin, don't you laugh), and later to meet cousins for lunch, meet CJ relief teacher friend for buying of books, meet History lecturer for History lecture and meet REACH volunteer friends in the evening for dinner cum meeting, my thoughts are with you guys!


Michelle =)


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