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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dear fans of MIRAGE

Your idol, ME, is back to blog again.

Well actually I haven't gotten anything I wanted to say in particular. Just that I'm literally dying from all the mugging stress and shit like that. After so much of doing tutorials and revision papers, I practically dream of them during at night, causing me to go mad. So much so that I feel I haven't got a life.

I feel accomplished whenever I complete a past year revision paper. But whenever it comes to tallying of the answers, I feel like I'm thrown down from the 1000000000000000th storey with my head split open, creating a bloody and grosteque mess. I see big, fat and red crosses across my pages - doesn't matter whether the mistake was due to genuine ignorance or carelessness on my part. Shit always happens. I hope it doesn't happen in the exam though.

The few sentences that I've been saying to Indian all this while: "It's either I commit suicide before my exams start (this friday) or persevere to the end.' And I have decided to persevere to the end all for the satisfaction of seeing big, fat and red ticks across my pages.

And comparing my very predictable timetable to Gupo's very hectic one, all I can say is:
12 August 07 - 24 August 07: MUGGING
25 August 07 - 2 Sept 07: ROTTING
3 Sept 07 - 1 Feb 08: ATTACHMENT.

See Gupo. I feel more 'blessed' than you. I don't have the hassle of having to plan my timetable until the end of this year. Everything's planned out for me.

"Chan Shuyu
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Year 3 Accountancy"


I feel so sad that even before completing this entry I've already filled a pail up - with tears. (so I shall sign off with tears)

Your beloved signing off with tears,


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