We will be friends forever, just you wait and see.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Today was a bad day.

What are friends? Friends are people who cheer you on during tough times and they are the ones who always believe you and trust in you and never give up on you. No matter what. Friends are special people and they trust without a shadow of a doubt that you can be at the best of your ability. They never fail to make you smile nor do they ever make you cry. Friends are also unique because they never ever rub sand in your wounds and would rather be unhappy themselves than to cause grevious, vengeful hurt on you. Friends protect each other. Friends know what to say at the right time and what not to say. Friends don't cross known boundaries.

I found that I am still disturbed by the comments of some friends who apparently crossed the boundary with me when he or she commented that since I do well normally, " scar ly" I flunk and do badly for my A levels. My heart stopped when he or she said that and now I am afraid. How can someone ever say such something to curse your friend especially when you know she was in a bad mood already because she screwed up her Econs paper. I am afraid that this is a prophecy and that what she or he said is going to come true. That friend is vicious. That friend knows how to hit that right button to make me hurt.

I think the lesson to learn from this is that I got to be aware who are my real friends. People who do not necessarily have to brave hell and fire for me but more importantly, they are the ones who really believe in me and who will always be there for me. Unconditionally.

A second lesson would probably to remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said. Never any let anyone make you inferior without your consent. I'm open to say that I still am scared, I still am trying to cross that mental obstacle. But I would now be more wary of that friend I guess. I would now make my mental hulk stronger, impenetrable to harsh words.



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