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Tuesday, September 26, 2006


omggggggggg............shavonne got 90/100 for maths paper 2! (the stats paper)...today in class..my math teacher was tellin us about her...her aim is to finish every single question in the math tys...n she's APPROACHIN that aim soon...omgggg....i need her brain cells...she's determined n reali hardworking!! someone pass me a knife too... think my chem mcq is gone case...math p2, chem p3 n econs p3 too....appparently...the no.1 in my class for chem...he got veri low for chem p1 n 3 huh...what is goin to happen to the rest of us?! jiayu say her class..onli two PASSED chem p3....dotssssssssssssss...

nvm....jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!! we wun know till the last min..wahahaha...my math teache say...there's always some heima(dark horse) each year..some of the low achievers..they might end up doin reali well! have faith in yourself...stay hopeful always!


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