We will be friends forever, just you wait and see.

Friday, October 13, 2006


A picture speaks a thousand words. My 2 years. Time reversal.

I thought I should write something about today since today was so special.

Today is the day that I finally graduate from CJC. Along with the progress report and testimonial I receive from the school are tonnes of other presents given to me by my classmates. I received a spiderman figurine that depicts the exact way I read a book. I have a hand-made brownie that is still uneaten simply because I cannot bear to do so, a plastic comb with my name spelt out in Macaroni style, beautifully written letters that made me tear , a so-sweet video montage and a gregarious looking sunflower eptiomizing sunshine glory. The gifts from my friends symbolise not only the times that we spent together, whether we're climbing trees, exploring haunted houses or simply discussing about the wonders of the world, it also represents the level of connectivity that I felt with my classmates. They nutured my love of literature and of all things good. Sure, we did have our conflicts and our disagreements and more often than once, perhaps we were mean to each other's face but above all, I realise that I am blessed. Simply because we have managed to connect not only as a class, united against the onslaught of endless History essays and Economics woes, we have forged bonds with each other. So perhaps we were all tossed together in this rojak called CJC, thrown carelessly by a higher power in each other's path. But we have conquered division and emerged cohesive. That, to me is truly an achievement. I am proud to call 2T04 MY class.

I think my class represents this - Individuals in an individualistic group.

AndI am so looking forward to other events this year - Prom Night celebrations, Class Trip to Malaysia! YAY!

Anyway, this graduation has also stirred up memories from the past and I think back on OUR graduation when all of us were in a frenzy, racing around to take photographs with each other, immortalising each memory in a snapshot. The times when we have our after-school lunches, our long chats, our house visits.. Brother Paul says it best.
Life is not captured in days. But in moments.

I remember in Sec 2 when all of us sat in a huge circle, hugged each other and cry. I still taste the salty tears and I am still overwhelmed by the intensity of emotions I felt then. Today, after 2 years, we are different. We have all dispersed into different groups, into different schools, into different people. Just like a dandelion when you blow it across the face of the wind. Our lives are no longer converged in a single path as before. Perhaps today we are no longer that huge group that we once were, perhaps the nastiness of time had intensified misunderstandings and caused rifts between some of us. The time where we once were able to link arms and dreams together have come to pass. I feel sad. Sad. Sad. Sad. Iit is as though something has been ripped off from me, a part of me amputated since my graduation from AMKSS. The torn off strands of friendship that I've lost are still displaced and I wonder if they can ever mend even if they are found. I STILL hope and dream that things will turn out differently and that it will be as before. But the clock is brutal. It never relents at our pleads and it never doles out second chances.

To my close friends who are reading this message. I'm so glad and thankful still that I have all of you. Every single one of you made my life unique and it is through friendship, that I have seen trustworthiness, dependency and love personified. My heart is glad because our friendship is still going strong and I am grateful for life's little blessings. I hope that our friendship never dies.

Cheers to all of you! I'm sorry it was such a long message!

Lots of love,



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